Women's Ministry Toolbox Podcast

EP 44: Coordinating Childcare for Your Bible Study and Women's Ministry Events

Cyndee Ownbey Episode 44

Our discipleship series continues today with a discussion on coordinating childcare.

I’ve got a few ideas to help you with common childcare struggles including recruiting help and paying for childcare.  

Is there going to be childcare? It’s a question I wish we could always answer with a resounding “yes!” However, if you’ve ever been tasked with coordinating childcare for your women’s Bible study or women’s ministry events, you know just how much work is required behind the scenes to provide childcare.

Maybe you’ve encountered some of these childcare issues:

  • Not enough volunteers (or paid staff) to cover every event.
  • Most of your volunteers are women, so when they serve they miss the event.
  • Your budget limits the number of times you can offer childcare.
  • There aren’t enough trained workers (with background checks) to serve at all of your events.

Offering childcare can be complicated, but it’s a necessity for many of the women in your church - without it, they may not be able to attend your Bible study or event.

Listen in or read the show notes for solutions to your childcare struggles.

Links in show:
Women's Ministry Event Planning Course
Women's Ministry Toolbox Facebook Group

Related links:
6 Questions Your Women Will Have About the First Day of Bible Study
Discussion Group Guidelines for Your Discipleship, Bible Study, or Small Group
Bible Study Facilitator Training
How to Be a Great Bible Study or Small Group Leader
How to Launch Your Next Bible Study Session
Tips to Increase Your Women’s Bible Study Attendance
Collecting and Sharing Prayer Requests in Your Discipleship, Bible Study, or Small Group

Purchase Cyndee's book: Rethinking Women's Ministry: Biblical, Practical Tools for

Thank you for listening to the Women's Ministry Toolbox Podcast. You'll find additional women's ministry resources below.

Women's Ministry Toolbox Resources:
Sign Up for My Email List - https://bit.ly/wmtbemail
Website – www.womensministrytoolbox.com
Online Store – www.womensministrytoolboxshop.com
Online Training – www.womensministrytraining.com
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Facebook Group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/womensministrytoolboxcommunity/
Women’s Ministry Essentials on Amazon - https://www.amazon.com/shop/wmtoolbox

You can connect with Cyndee via Facebook, Instagram (@womensministrytoolbox), and email (cyndee@womensministrytoolbox.com).